Scars (The modified Version)

Do you remember that scar on your knee? That scar which you got while riding a bicycle for the first time.
Remember that terrifying wound you got when you were 10 years old? That race which was meant to be won by you but a little stone became the biggest hindrance. You tripped and fell. A bleeding forehead. You smiled, even though it was fake. But still you smiled. You somehow survived through the 3 stiches and those painful nights.

Look into the mirror. You still got the scar on the thicker portion of your left eyebrow.

The time you saved that boy down the lane who was being bullied. You got a big scar on your shoulder as an evidence of your valorous nature. Yes, there was a throng of onlookers. But alas! They remained quiet. You, yes you the valiant hearted, saved him. You were bruised by those samsons. But you saved him.

Your birthmark! When everyone teased you, in spite of feeling bad about yourself, you took pride in it. You started considering it as an unique identity. That mark which you and only you own. That’s the way you started appreciating yourself even more.
I learnt it from you, how to glamorously carry the stretch marks. They called it “ugly” and you laughed at them. It was a matter of pride to you for having carried another life within your body. 

Everyday, I see a new, a better version of you and you leave me amazed. Spellbound!
Yes, cancer took your breast but you’re an Amazon. I know you’ll fight it with all your might. You’ve got the fire in your soul. And the scar? That’s the proof of your zeal to live. You didn’t survive. You conquered life.

Keep fighting like a girl!
And the one which you got while searching for tranquility? When you were broke and you thought anxiety was going to swallow you in one go.
When you thought Garden of Death was the last option that was ope but then you saw all your scars- the tiny marks portraying all your bravery. Yes, it was dark all around. But You stopped. You paused. You looked back at the amazing person you’ve always been. 
You looked deep down at your beautiful soul. You kept gazing at yourself as your soul was shimmering in the fitful light of hope. You kiboshed.
Your wrist was bleeding indeed but the wound you caused yourself wasn’t still too deep. You went out. Sought for help. 

You braved out all the odds. You fought. 

Who helped? Those tiny scars with not So tiny tales. 
You’re a hero!

Don’t hide your scars. They make you beautiful. They make you unique.

Scars play a vital role in speaking a million tales in this iridescent life!

Picture Courtney: Google

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