Hold My Hand- review

Hey lovely people! I’m back after a long time (once again) with a book review. Before reviewing, let’s talk about two more things.

  • First of all, there’s a decrement in the number of blog posts that I write because hey, I’m super busy with my academics. That occupies a lot of my time and I’m not ready to lower the quality of my blogs in order to increase the quantity. Also, if y’all want I can post some funny incidents I’ve experienced in the hospital. Let me know about it in the comment section.
  • Secondly, some of you may think why do I review old books. I mean generally people review the current and trending books. But my moto is a bit different. I want people to know about more books. It hardly matters if they’re old.

So yeah, that’s all. Let’s return to our book review.

I had been very excited to read something from the author Durjoy Datta. The reason? Some of my friends were super crazy about his books and I hadn’t read any of his books. So, got myself a copy of “Hold My Hand”.

The initial few chapters are based in India and the crucial and major parts of the novel is set up in Hong Kong, which was quite fascinating for me. 

The story is about a nerdy boy, Deep who gets and opportunity to go to Hong Kong on an internship programme. (I’ll have to admit that I really liked the protagonist because of this fascination with books. Ahem.) He has two friends who has their own stories to share. I feel like elaborating their parts a bit more could’ve spiced up things to a new level but for some reason they were left behind in India they didn’t really enter the scene. There are some funny and melodramatic scenes involving the parents when Deep leaves for Hong Kong, which I believe is very relatable for people with brown parents. During his stay in the hotel, he meets Ahana and falls in love with her. But he has to come to term with the fact that she is blind. Together they explore Hong Kong. You get a overall description of the place. Everything seemed too rosy until her ex boyfriend entered the scene.

The climax is intense and has some sniffing back of tears but it ends on a happy note. 

The plot is very plain and simple. It doesn’t really have any twists and turns which doesn’t mean you’ll lose your interest in the book completely. The words used in this book are easy and can be a ‘new reader friendly’ choice. 

The thing which I would’ve loved to read more in this book is about Deep’s internship. The book has description about his job and how the work is done and things. But I craved for more about his job/ internship.

As I had mentioned earlier there is a description of Hong Kong in the book, it was fascinating for me. As a person who has never been to the place before, I don’t know how authentic the description is but it surely has made an impression on my mind about Hong Kong. 

If you’re searching for an intense plot with an ornamental description, then this book is surely going to disappoint you. Overall it’s a good choice for a weekend’s read. Sweet and simple!

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